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For the authors


The editors draws the attention of the authors to the following instructions and form of submitting manuscripts to the journal “General Reanimatology” for publication.

General Instructions

Two copies of a manuscript with illustrations attached in two copies (in a separate envelope) are sent to the address : Editorial office of the journal “General Reanimatology”, 25, Bld 2, Petrovka str., 107031, Moscow. The manuscript should have a cover letter signed by the director of the institution in which the work was done. The second copy is signed by all the authors.

It is also necessary to submit an electronic copy of the manuscript (on a diskette or by e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]) в формате Word, 12 font. The author should point out on the sticker of the diskette which file contains the manuscript.

The manuscript should be typed on one side of a white sheet А4 (210 х 295 mm) with margins: left - 2,5 cm, right, above, below - 1,5 cm and include: 1) title page; 2) abstract; 3) key words; 4) introduction; 5) materials and methods; 6) results; 7) discussion; 8) tables; 9) captions; 10) illustrations; 11) reference.

The title page should contain : 1) the title which should be informative and rather short; 2) initials and surnames of the authors; 3) the full name of the institution in which the work was done; the town 4) the surname, first name and the full postal address, E-mail, telephone and fax numbers of the author responsible for the contacts with the editorial office.

The abstract is printed on a separate page, it should be structured: а) the purpose of the research; b) materials and methods; c) results; d) conclusion. The abstract should not exceed 200 – 250 words. The key words are placed on the same page (between 3 and 10 words), which help index the article in information-search systems.

The text. The review should not exceed 15 pages, while the reference should not be longer than 60 titles. The size of commissioned articles is fixed by an agreement. The size of the original article (as a rule) should not exceed 10 pages including tables and illustrations, the total number of illustrations being more than 4.

The original articles should be structured as follows.

Introduction е . It states the aim and necessity to perform the research, gives a short background of the issue with reference to the most significant publications.

Materials and methods. Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the patients are given (examined), all methods of research used in the work are mentioned including methods of processing the data statistically. While mentioning the equipment and new medications it is necessary to name the producer and the country of production (in brackets).

Results. They should be presen ted in a logical sequence in the text, in tables and figures. The text should not repeat all the data from the tables and figures, only the most important of them should be mentioned. The figures should not double the data of the tables.

The place where a figure or a table is to be placed in the text is marked on the margin with a square in which the number of the figure or the table is given.

Discussion . It is necessary to point out new and important aspects of the research and if possible compare them to other researchers’ data. One should not repeat the information given in “Introduction” and detailed data from “Results”. The discussion can contain grounded recommendations and a short conclusion.

Tables . The tables should be numbered and entitled. Each table is printed on a separate sheet with 2 intervals, it should have a title and a number according to its first mention in the text. Each column in the table should have a short title (abbreviations can be used). All explanations including abbreviation expansions should be placed in the footnotes. Statistical methods used to present the variability of the data and reliability of differences should be given.

Captions and descriptions of details in illustrations numbered accordingly are typed on a separate sheet with 2 intervals with Arabic figures corresponding to the numbers of figures. Each caption consists of a title of the picture and a “legend” (which explains parts of the picture, symbols, arrows and its other details). Captions to microphotographs should give the degree of enlargement. Figures and tables should not double each other. In case of graphs and diagrams one should point out what is given on the datum lines on the given curves etc. All figures and graphs should also be presented in the electronic version.

Illustrations (figures, diagrams, photographs) should be clear black-and-white contrasting photographs and should be submitted in two copies (photographs on glossy paper). On the back side of the figures one should write in soft pencil the surnames of the author (only the first one), the number of the figure, the indication of the upper side of the figure. The figures should not be overloaded with textual inscriptions.

In formulas all elements should be clearly marked out: small (м) and capital letters (М), Latin letters should be underlined in blue, Greek ones — in red (with entering the markings in the margins), inferior figures and diacritical marks should be made clear, if numbers or letters are similar in the way of writing (0 – a number, O – a letter), appropriate notes should be made.

Abbreviations of words, titles (excluding common abbreviations of physical, chemical measures, as well as mathematical variables and terms) are not allowed. Values of measurements should correspond to the International System of Units (SI) and be given in Russian, temperatures should be given centigrade.

Latin names of microorganisms are given in accordance with modern classification, in italics. When first mentioned the name of the microorganism is given in full – genus and species (e.g. Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptomyces lividans ), when mentioned for the second time the generic name is contracted to one letter ( E.coli, S.aureus, S.lividan s ).

Names of genetic elements are given in three small letters, in italics ( tet ), products coded by corresponding genetic elements – in capital straight letters (ТЕТ).

The journal uses international nonproprietary names (INN) of medications. Trade (proprietary) names under which preparations are produced by different firms are given in the section «Materials and methods» with the name of the producer and their international nonproprietary name (genetic) name. For example: tarivid (ophloxacin, «Hehst Marion Russel»). For reagents and equipment the name, the producer and the country of production are given.

The reference is typed on a separate sheet(s) with 2 intervals, each source on a new line with a number. All the works are given in order of their reference in the text and not alphabetically. When individual authors are mentioned in the text their names should be preceded by initials (the surnames of foreign authors are given in their original spelling). In the text references are given in Arabic figures in brackets. Dissertations are not recommended to be included in the reference as it might be difficult to examine them.

The order in the reference list should be as follows: а) author(s) of the book or article; b) the name of the book or article; c) date-line. If there are up to 4 authors all of them are mentioned (with initials after surnames), if there are more than 4 authors the first three are given and “et al.” is added. In some cases editors and compilers act as authors of books. The name of the last of them should be followed by "ed.".

The name of the book should be followed by the name of the town it was printed in, after a colon the name of the publishers, after a semicolon the year. If a chapter from a book is referred to, then first go the authors and the name of the chapter, after a full stop – “In:” and the names of the author and the editor, then the name of the book and its date-line.

In case of an article from a journal one should give the author(s)’ names and initials, the name of the article, the journal, the year, the volume, the number, numbers of pages from …to.



1. Ringsven M. К., Bond D. Gerontology and leadership skills for nurses. 2nd ed. Albany (N. Y): Delmar Publishers; 1996.

2. Phillips S.Y., Whisnant Y P. Hypertension and stroke. In: Laragh Y H., Brenner В. М., eds. Hypertension: pathophysiology, diagnosis and management. 2nd ed. New York: Raven Press; 1995.465 – 478 .


1. Davis L., Angus R. M., Calverley M. A. Oral corticosteroids in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Lancet 1999; 354 (15): 456 – 460 .

The editors reserve the right to abridge and edit the articles. The article published earlier or submitted to another journal or collection are not to be sent. The editors do not accept articles, which do not conform to the given rules. Articles accepted by the journal are reviewed. The editors and the publishers bear no responsibility for opinions given in publications or the contents of advertisements. Rejected manuscripts are not returned.

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